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  • Reimagining Life Before Plastic

    Reimagining Life Before Plastic

    When you think about your daily routine—shopping for groceries, cleaning your home, or taking a shower—it’s hard to imagine doing any of it without plastic. At Floofah, we’re inspired by the way people lived sustainably before plastic became the norm. That’s why we’ve created the “How We Lived Our Lives Before Plastic” blog series, a journey into the past to uncover the sustainable habits and materials people used to get through their daily lives.

  • What Surfaces Can You Safely Use Your Floofah On?

    What Surfaces Can You Safely Use Your Floofah On?

    Floofah's natural luffa fibers strike the perfect balance: tough enough to scrub away grime but soft enough to protect delicate surfaces and skin. Plus, it’s 100% compostable, making it the most sustainable & plastic-free alternative household sponge.

  • Meet the amazing luffa plant

    Meet the amazing luffa plant

    The luffa plant is a member of the gourd family and is an editable vegetable native to the tropical climates of Asia. The luffa gourd produces a fibrous exoskeleton which has been used as a natural scrubber sponge for thousands of centuries.
  • Why choose a natural loofah sponge?

    Why choose a natural loofah sponge?

    There are many benefits to choosing a natural loofah sponge as a dish sponge or shower sponge. Natural loofahs are made of plant-based materials, does not shed microplastic and is gentle yet effective on any surface (fragile dishes and skin). Loofah fibers are fast drying and more sanitary to prevent mold and bacteria growth. Natural loofah sponges are also the eco-friendly choice because they break down into nature without any additional processing.